Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Am I really that boring?**

This week we did something I have wanted to do for a long time- we filmed ourselves teaching. The excitement that I had about this assignment was quickly diminished when I saw the video of myself. What started out as excitement ended with a question, " Am I really that boring?"

** The original post was much longer than this one. Due to my love-hate relationship with technology, and my inability to understand this relationship at times, I accidently deleted much of the post. The gist of it was that while I am not always boring, I can be sometimes. Technology enables me to see this, and 'spice up' what may be a boring lesson. I also discussed pros and cons of having cameras in the classroom. Lots of pros, few cons was the consensus.

Oh, and here is the actual lecture which deleted my post when I tried to upload it:

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